Terms & Conditions

  • Use BREEZE Card, mobile app or single journey ticket for travelling in bus.
  • Scan mobile app or single Journey ticket while entering and exiting bus / station.
  • Keep BREEZE card, mobile app and single journey ticket for verification while travelling.
  • Make sure you have enough balance on your BREEZE card or mobile app before boarding the bus.
  • Only use fare gates for entering and exiting the bus platform.
  • Stay in queue and wait for your turn.
  • In case of emergency, use emergency door
  • Do not cross yellow line while wilting for bus.
  • Do not block the door inside the bus and stay behind yellow area.
  • Give space to Wheelchair Users / Disabled People in their designated area.
  • Please give senior citizens priority to be seated.
  • Smoking in BREEZE system is strictly prohibited.
  • Playing videos from phone / other electronic devices at high volume which may disturb other passenger(s) is strictly prohibited.
  • Male, Female & Families are requested to use designated doors at BREEZE Stations.
  • Using any sort of drug is prohibited in BREEZE System.
  • No pets and animals are allowed in BREEZE system.
  • Show good manners to fellow passengers and avoid inconvenience to passengers.
  • Spitting, throwing Naswar/Pan/Gutka, littering, vandalism, or graffiti in BREEZE system is strictly prohibited.
  • Step on elevators & escalators carefully and stand straight.
  • Exercise caution while getting on & off the bus.
  • Don’t bring luggage in BREEZE system which is Inconvenient tor others,
  • Use of abusive/ foul language and fighting is strictly prohibited while using BREEZE system.
  • Leaning on glass and bus doors is strictly prohibited.
  • Please give priority to passengers getting of the bus.
  • Do not jump or climb over fare gates or any barrier.
  • Crossing BRT road from platform is strictly prohibited.
  • Entering BREEZE lane is strictly prohibited.
  • Begging inside BREEZE System is strictly prohibited.
  • Don’t talk to driver while travelling.
  • Any form of advertisement / marketing and sales related activities are strictly prohibited in BREEZE System.
  • Please take care of your belongings and valuable.
  • Eating and drinking is prohibited in buses.
  • Boarding and alighting of passenger(s) is allowed only at designated BREEZE Stations.
  • Please cooperate with BREEZE stat (Station staff, security staff etc.)
  • Do not use any gender sensitive language and gestures in BREEZE System.
  • Any nose producing device is not allowed during travel
  • Do not sleep and sit idle in bus stations.
  • Do not occupy more than one seat or place your feet or body parts on the other seats.
  • Any kind of weapon(s) and sharp object(s) are not allowed in BREEZE system.
  • Do not bring liquids such as milk or chemicals inside the bus.
  • Do not leave your children unattended.
  • Men are not allowed to use/enter female-designated seats/area
  • Please avoid unnecessary interaction with buttons, panels or other equipment.